Today, let's take a look at spectrum analyzer maintenance--Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer maintenance case. Recently, an old customer introduced a friend to send a Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer for repair. The customer trusted us and mailed the instrument from Hubei. Please follow the Agitek spectrum analyzer maintenance engineer to see the maintenance process of this Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer:
Instrument model
Keysight E4445A Spectrum Analyzer
Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer maintenance failure phenomenon
Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer maintenance customer reported that the fault is that the instrument does not respond when powered on, and cannot be turned on normally.
test and judgement
The failure of the Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer to be repaired and not turned on belongs to a relatively complex type of failure. First, the instrument needs to be turned on normally before further checking whether the instrument has other fault points. After testing, it was found that the main power supply of the instrument was damaged, causing it to not start up. The instrument could be turned on normally by replacing the damaged components of the power supply. Next, the maintenance process of the German E4445A spectrum analyzer continued to investigate the cause of the failure. After testing, it was found that the local oscillator module was damaged, resulting in a large measurement out of tolerance, the attenuator was damaged, resulting in a measurement out of tolerance and self-calibration failure.
Keysight E4445A Spectrum Analyzer Repair and Handling
Replace the damaged module of the LO board, replace the attenuator, repair the circuit, and adjust the testing instrument.
Keysight E4445A Spectrum Analyzer Repair Results
The instrument is powered on normally, the error report disappears, the instrument indicators are normal, and the quality inspection can be carried out.
1. During the maintenance of the Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer, if measuring a high-power signal greater than 30dBm, it is best to add an attenuator for testing, so as not to burn out the spectrum analyzer due to excessive power;
2. The left side of the spectrum analyzer is the display screen, and the right side is the operation button. On the bottom left is the switch. The operation on the right is divided into 5 parts: FUNCION, MARKE, SYSTEM, CONTROL, DATAENTEY. When a key is selected, the corresponding menu option will appear on the right side of the display screen, and the corresponding operation can be selected by pressing the key next to it.
3. When the Keysight E4445A spectrum analyzer is repaired, the input port of the spectrum analyzer has a maximum safe power that can be input, so the maximum input signal cannot exceed the maximum input level allowed by the spectrum analyzer;
This article is organized and released by Xi'an Agitek Spectrum Analyzer Repair Center. If you also have the same type of spectrum analyzer repair center, please visit Agitek Spectrum Analyzer Repair Network (