Recently, an Agilent/Keysight N5183A signal generator sent by a customer in Shenzhen was repaired. The customer described that the instrument suddenly short-circuited and tripped d...
More>>Recently, Agitek Instrument Repair Center has repaired an N9030A spectrum analyzer. Let’s take a look at the simple repair process of this instrument: 1. Fault phenomenon: the att...
More>>是德科技/安捷倫E8241A信號發生器維修案例近期山西某企業送修一台是德科技E8241A信號發生器,客戶報修儀器輸出報錯,下麵跟著欧美熟妇呻吟猛交XX性精品麻豆維修中心的工程師一起來看看信號發生器是如何維修的。 一...
More>>欧美熟妇呻吟猛交XX性精品麻豆測試維修中心分享是德N5182A信號發生器不同故障維修,一起來看看維修過程吧。N5182A維修欧美熟妇呻吟猛交XX性精品麻豆維修在對是德各型號信號源維修過程中,總結了安捷倫信號源常見的故障問題可供大家分享: 是德信...
More>>Recently, an Agilent/Keysight N5181A signal generator sent by a customer in Nanjing was repaired. The customer described that the instrument would not be turned on. N5181A maintena...
More>>Infrared thermal imager is a high-performance detection technology, but it is inevitable that some faults will occur in the process of use, which will affect the detection results....
More>>Recently, Agitek repaired a Keysight network analyzer E8363C from a university in Beijing. Before E8363C repair, it repaired the problem of loss of lock, no boot problem, and irreg...
More>>是德E4432B信號發生器輸出偏差維修案例一、型號是德E4432B信號發生器二、故障現象客戶反饋儀器故障現象:實際輸出與顯示相差比較大。 三、檢測維修工程師開機驗證故障現象,確實如客戶所言輸出...
More>>麻豆黄色一级片2700數據采集器維修案例: 一、型號:Keithley2700 二、故障:使用中溫度升到無限大,電壓及電阻檔位均無法測量。 三、分析、測試與判斷:檢測發現D...
More>>羅德與施瓦茨SMR40信號發生器維修案例 一、儀器名稱型號:羅德與施瓦茨SMR40信號發生器二、故障表現:儀器通電無法開機 三、維修過程:根據客戶描述黑屏故障,儀器通電後無法正常定開機,...
More>>西安某研究所羅德與施瓦茨FSP30頻譜分析儀維修案例 一.型號:R&S FSP30 二.故障:3G以下信號電平超差嚴重。 三.測試:檢測發現,微波開關,射頻板損壞,導致信號嚴重衰減。 ...